We have a lot to discuss…

1.  First off, IT’S FRIDAY!!!


2.  My DIY Vintage Shirt Salt Bath was a MAJOR failure.  Don’t try it.  What a let down.  (I am working on another recipe… if it works then I will share it with you.)

Vintage Salt Bath Failure

3.  Why are all the stores already putting out Halloween and Thanksgiving stuff?  It’s slightly disturbing.  Where has this year gone?


4.  I am officially Screen Actors Guild (SAG) Eligible as of 3 days ago!  Wahoo!


5.  Caroline is coming to LA tomorrow!  I can’t even wait!

Little Sister

6.  Motto of the week/month/year – Look up, Get up and Don’t ever give up!!!  Loving this video my cousin shared.  Check it out if you need some inspiration…

7.  AND FINALLY, don’t forget to have a little fun this weekend!  CHEERS TO THE WEEKEND!


  1. Yay, Allie!! You’re official!! Congratulations!! :)
    LOVE that video….amazing stuff!

  2. Congrats on SAG!!!! :-D

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