Tricks for when you are Sick!

As it turns out, my last post Easy Tips to Stay Healthy was a hit!  So as a follow up, I thought I’d share with you what I do when I’m feeling  sick or run down.

Fire Ciderfirecider

Fire cider is the ultimate cold fighter.  Trust me.  You want to get in on it.  If you are starting to feel run down or feel a cold coming on, take a swig of this stuff every few  hours.  Fire cider is an herbal remedy that has been around for years – these guys just happened to bottle it.  The ingredients are as follows: apple cider vinegar, raw honey, orange, lemon, onions, ginger, garlic, horseradish, turmeric and habanero peppers.  It has antibacterial properties and it aids in fighting and preventing common colds, the flu, sinus infections, sore throat, indigestion, allergies and, as an added bonus, I’ve heard it helps cure a hangover.  To me, when I take a swig, it is equal parts soothing and let’s kick the heck out of this cold.  Be warned this stuff is super spicy!!  I recommend taking a shot vs. sipping.  Some people take a daily maintenance dose but I prefer to pull out the big guns when I feel the slightest hint that I’m getting sick.  I highly recommend.

Wellness Formula wellnessformula

 A defense formula that packed full of antioxidants, herbal extracts, vitamins and minerals that helps boost immunity.  This stuff works miracles if you take it right at the first sign of an imbalance.  Again, some people take this everyday but I prefer to save it for when I really need it.  I take it pretty regularly during times of high stress.  This past November & December, during the holidays and wrapping up my season at Milly & Grace, I really should have been sick and I wasn’t.  I think the combination of the Fire Cider and the Wellness Formula saved me.


If you haven’t heard of this you must be living under a rock!  Mix this packet of powder in water, sip and know that you are getting like 16 times your daily recommended amount of vitamin C.  I personally like the raspberry flavor.

Brookside ChocolatesBrookside

Acia & goji berries are super foods.  They are known to prolong life and help support your immune system.  So why not cover them in the one thing that cures everything – chocolate?!  Dark chocolate is also full of antioxidants.  So basically, eating these are like eating fruit.  I’ve been through 3 bags this week.

Note: The Fire Cider, Wellness Formula and Emergen-C are from Annye’s Wholefoods on Nantucket.  Brookside chocolate is from Stop & Shop.  For those of you not on Nantucket, I’m sure you can find some of these items at your local health food store like Whole Foods.  Here’s to your good health!!


  1. I make something similar to the Fire Cider…wish I thought to bottle it!
    Good advice Em!

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