Tim Meets the Ruana

I will not lie.  I had no idea what a Ruana was…


I probably would have guessed a country in Africa or maybe a piece of fruit on some deserted island.

When I first arrived in Nantucket back in March, Emily introduced me to the Ruana.  She told me they were THE  Milly & Grace Bestseller!  I nodded my head, not really knowing what she was referring to.  Then, she showed me one and it changed my life.  Ha!  Ok, not really!  Since you probably won’t be seeing me wearing one of these walking down Main St, but I do appreciate them!   I don’t know… Could I rock a ruana?

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Anyway, if there is anyone else who doesn’t know what a ruana is, let me educate you.  “Ruana” literally means “land of blankets” and it is a poncho style outer garment. It’s like a fashionable snuggie ladies!  At first, when I held it in my hands, I didn’t quite understand it and then Emily put one on and I understood the appeal.  They are extremely classy.  I honestly feel like any girl could throw this on and really class up her outfit!

Have you ever went into your closet and said “UGHHHH I have nothing to wear!”


ENTER RUANA! You put this on and your outfit goes from 0 to 10 in as long as it takes you to put your head through it!

DSC00128Needless to say, I have been swimming in Ruanas for the last three months.  Ruanas are also very good as catchy puns.  For instance, I jokingly call Emily “The Devil Wears Ruana” and I also tell people “to get their head out of their ruana.”

See, Ruanas are just  SO. MUCH. FUN!

Here at Milly & Grace, we have many different colors and styles of Ruanas.  The online store features the classic Minnie Rose cashmere knife edge in 12 beautiful colors.  Take a look here.


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At the Nantucket location, we have many different styles, such as cashmere knife edge, cashmere ruffle, cashmere fringe, metallic, cotton and sequin in every color of the rainbow.

ruanacollection Fall is just around the corner and you will want a ruana for those fall evenings when you just need a little something to cover up with. So, even though its summer, get them while they’re hot!  So, if you are sick of saying “I have nothing to wear!” Get a Ruana today and I will give you two thumbs up!

See you next Tuesday! :)


And, in case you are wondering who I am and you missed my first “Tuesdays With Tim” you can read it here.

Special thanks to my Ruana models Zofia Crosby and one of the Milly & Grace Girls herself Caroline Ott. (I said Ruana 18 times in this post.)


  1. audra porter :

    Great post Tim! I’m laughing at myself because my brain read the title as “Tim meets Rihanna” . I was thinking to myself, “Wow, cool, Rihanna came to Nantucket and visited the store and Tim got to meet her”. But, your version is cool too. ha. I haven’t heard of a Ruana, but I think I need one now!!!!

  2. Amy Warning :

    I never knew… until today… what in the WORLD a Ruana was! Even after browsing the Milly & Grace site, I didn’t understand what this strange garment was. Thank you, Tim, for that beautiful post and explanation. Might just have to order one and start up the Ruana fashion trend here in the good ol’ Midwest! Do they come in Green & Gold?!?!

    Only you… “to get their head out of their ruana.”



  1. […] Still not convinced… Check out “Tuesdays With Tim’s” opinion on the Ruana that was up on the blog a couple months ago! https://www.millyandgracegirls.com/tim-meets-the-ruana/ […]

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