Surfs Up…Not!

This past Saturday was the first day it really felt like summer on Nantucket.  After work, Steve loaded up the boards and off we went to Fisherman’s beach so that I could tackle #28 on my list of 30 things to do before I’m 30 : really learn to surf on my own.

Off I go!

Getting in the water

Unfortunately, the waves weren’t really that great and so I only practiced wiping out.  I should probably read Neil’s surf report on the Nantucket blACKbook before I go next!  On the plus side, it felt so refreshing to be in the water again. (Note: you definitely still need to wear a wetsuit.)

No Waves

I’ll try again next time… I welcome any and all tips from the experts out there.


Right at the top of the stairs to the beach there is a little box called, “The Little Free Library” where beach goers can “take a book and return a book”.   Even though I’ve lived on Nantucket for 7 years, the charm of this island can still catch me by surprise.


  1. Way to give it a go, Emily! You’ll get it! xoxo

  2. Neil and LoLo :

    Nice work Emily!! Give us a shout next time you go we have some good boards to learn on…perhaps one that isn’t quite as heavy, I think you need a captain’s licences to operate the board in that picture !

  3. auntie joanie :

    Emily, I must say the mailbox for books is the best ever. We in the Northwest could learn a thing or two. I was wondering getting back to surfing. How much do the boards weigh ??? Just sayin——–looks like they weigh three times your weight.:)

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