1. We can see what people who visit our blog actually typed into google to get there. I would like to bring to your attention that we have had a few visitors who have googled… “girls skinny dipping”… and then ended up at The Milly and Grace Girls blog… all thanks to Emily’s 30 before 30 checklist. Scandalous, Emily. I wonder if they were disappointed when they got to the page and all they saw was her cute little face. Sorry, boys/girls… it’s not that kinda website ;)
2. Breaking Bad ended this weekend which means I can start watching it now or in a few years. I don’t like watching things when they are cool and hip to watch. Mainly because I don’t like waiting a week to watch the next episode! I want to watch everything all in a row, all at once, and when I want to watch it.. I wouldn’t say I have an addictive personality but it definitely comes out when it comes to TV series that are streaming on Netflix. I am now all caught up on Friday Night Lights, Alias, Felicity, One Tree Hill, Gossip Girl, and Orange is the New Black… P.S. I am now free for discussions about Chuck and Blair, how sexy Riggins is, how JJ Abrams used the same cast for Felicity and Alias and how watching OistheNB kinda makes you want to go to jail… call me/text me/comment me!
3. Ivy thinks she is a human baby.
4. Patriots are 4 – 0.
5. Talked to Caroline on the phone this weekend for the first time since she’s been in Switzerland! She has just been soooooooooooooooooo busy doing all these amazing things. The thing she misses most about America though (well behind family and friends, of course) is Mexican food. Well guess what… and don’t be jealous of me, Caroline, but I had taco night with the girls last night. Yummy, delicious, spicy tacos with guacamole. There are no pictures/instagrams to prove it, but you know I am a trustworthy person. P.S. I miss you little sister.
6. 187 people pinned Tuesday with Tim’s Halloween Bert and Ernie costume idea!! Go Tim!
Haha!! I think it’s the other way around….EMILY thinks Ivy is a human baby!! :)