Merry Christmas!

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I don’t know of many other things I enjoy more than Christmas morning! I love having my family all together, taking a break from our busy lives, and celebrating something magical.

Our celebration begins the night before when we prepare breakfast for Christmas morning. This year, we chose to go with a French Toast Casserole!

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^^The finished product!

Then, of course, you have to leave out cookies for Santa and carrots or an apple for the reindeer who would travel long and far to each and every house later that night. My sisters and I write a letter to him every year too!

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And Santa always writes back…apparently this year he used his iPad!

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After that, we run upstairs and fall asleep as fast as we can because well…everyone knows that Santa doesn’t come until you fall asleep!

Our Christmas morning, this year, was a bit different than all of the previous years but still just as magical. Now that Emily is a married woman, we have to share her with Steve’s family on Christmas morning – our families agreed to switch off each year. Last year, Emily and Steve spent Christmas morning with us…so this year, Emily and Steve spent Christmas morning with Steve’s family. But, not having them over until Christmas afternoon does have its perks…we got to sleep in as late as we wanted! (We didn’t want to start opening presents without Emily and Steve, and being awake super early would be way too hard having to see the wrapped presents and filled stockings without being able to open them.) Then, we took our time eating breakfast, sang and danced around to Christmas music…until finally they arrived!

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Then, we got straight down to business opening our stockings and then presents.

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Santa was very good to me this year and I am so grateful.

Last night, we went out to dinner for Christmas Eve. But on Christmas night, we stay in for dinner and cook up a delicious meal of our own. We have also made a tradition of alternating who cooks Christmas dinner…and this year it is Steve’s family’s turn. So, I am off to get dressed!

I hope you and your family had a very happy Christmas!

Merry Christmas Eve

Since we have been spending our Christmases on Nantucket, we have made it a tradition to go out to dinner on Christmas Eve! There are so many amazing restaurants on Nantucket…you’d be crazy not to take advantage of them. This year we chose the lovely Pazzo. The inside of the restaurant feels as though you are in the comfort of your own home and the food is just divine. It was perfect for our Christmas Eve dinner.  And ever since Emily and Steve got married, we have also made a tradition of spending both Christmas Eve dinner and Christmas dinner with Steve’s family too! Our families feel so lucky to be as close as we are.  These holidays wouldn’t be the same without them now.

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Merry Christmas Eve from my family to yours!

Twas The Night Before Christmas on Nantucket *

Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the town

Not a tourist was on island, not even a clown

The stockings were hung by the grey shingled houses with care,

In hopes that St Nicholas soon would be there.


The year rounders were nestled all snug in their beds,

While visions of red tickets danced in their heads.

And locals in their Red Sox socks, and I in my Pats cap,

Had just settled our brains for a long winter’s nap.


When out on the cobblestones there arose such a clatter,

I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.

It was Tom Brady and the Patriots in the red sleigh, Quick

I exclaimed, there must be a Saint Kraftnick.


I asked for Uggs but got Tom Brady instead (naturally),

On Welker, on Wilfork, on Gronk on Woodhead,

Bill Belichick yelled, Head back to my house in Sconset,

So Tom called an audible and they were down and set.


Tom sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,

And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.

But I heard him exclaim, as he drove out of sight,

“Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!”

“P.S. We are going to win the Superbowl!”


* NOTE TO SELF: Do not blog past midnight. You come up with strange ideas, such as rewriting poems.