Train Hard to be The Best

When I first moved to LA, I was blessed to have been introduced to a genius acting coach, Aaron Speiser.  Aaron coaches Will Smith, Gerard Butler, Jennifer Lopez, LL Cool J, The Rock, Virginia Madsen and Bree Turner.  For two years straight, I went to the studio four days a week to train.  I took scene study classes, cold reading audition classes, voice and dialect classes, improv classes, observed scene study classes and listened to lectures.  I was also coached by the incredibly talented Anthony Gilardi, who is another one of my homeboys from Boston.  Both Aaron and Anthony mentored me and inspired me, not just as an actor but as a human being.  They prepared me for the crazy world that is Hollywood.  I didn’t know anyone when I moved out here… the Aaron Speiser Acting Studio became my family.  I will be forever grateful.

Here is a little video to give you a taste of how I spent my first two years… training to be the best actor I could be!

WARNING:  Mom… Aaron says a couple swear words!  It will be ok!

If you want to be the best you have to train with the best!

I took a little break from acting classes.  I had achieved my goal of advancing into Aaron’s master class, signifying that I had mastered my craft and technique.  What I realized was that in order for me to continue growing as an actor, I needed to grow as a person and get more life experiences… outside of the walls of the acting studio.  I am happy to say that I am now training again… with the best!

My coach, Anthony Gilardi, has opened up his own acting studio.  Last night was his opening night.  Around one hundred students showed up to support him!  He said that one month ago he took one of the biggest risks of his life, when he decided to open up his own studio.  He said that when you follow what you know in your heart to be true and the right path… you can never fail.  So inspiring.  One of his mottos is, “The Best Is Yet To Come”… But I have to say, Anthony, the best has come to us already.  Thank you for being the BEST coach, mentor, friend, big brother and human being.  We are so grateful.


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Anthony 3

Happy Birthday Hannah!

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Hannah, happy birthday to you!

My sweet roommate and best friend is NINETEEN! To an American like me this doesn’t seem like a big deal. It’s kind of a bleh age. Eighteen is pretty significant. And twenty is well twenty…you aren’t a teenager anymore. Then, there is twenty-one. Which is a pretty huge deal here in the States.

But for my Canadian girl, nineteen marks the day that she can legally drink. And she can buy a lottery ticket.  So, just as 21st birthdays in America come with a great celebration…we decided to celebrate her 19th birthday all weekend long. It’s too bad we are in America and she couldn’t actually have a traditional Canadian nineteenth birthday. So, instead of alcohol…we decided to celebrate with lots of yummy food!

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^^I forgot to take pictures of lunch…but here is birthday cake number one!

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^^We shopped around a bit after lunch. And that’s Hannah’s Mum who came down for the birthday weekend!

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^^We headed over to the hotel that Hannah and her mum were staying at for dinner and found this little surprise next to their room

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^^Our view at dinner of the Malibu Pier

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^^Birthday cake number two

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^^Making a wish

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^^The next night we felt like we needed to trade in all the red meat we ate the night before for some yummy pasta (which again I forgot to take a picture of…forgive me?)


^^Birthday cake number 3, which was gone in about 30 seconds

And despite the fact that Hannah has a midterm on her birthday today, we are not going to let it stand in the way of the continuing celebration!

Hannah Banana, I love you to the moon and back and I hope all of your birthday wishes come true.

The Ultimate Sunday Funday

SUPER BOWL SUNDAY!!  One of my favorite Sundays of the year!  It would have been SO MUCH BETTER if my PATRIOTS were playing, but I guess we can’t always hog the Super Bowl… Sharing IS caring.  Here is a little recap of the night.  The competition was tough.  Lots of drama.  And it was not just a competition between two football teams.  It was…

Harbaugh vs. Harbaugh

Ravens  vs. Niners

Beyonce vs. Sasha Fierce vs. Destiny’s Child 

Power Outage vs. The Momentum

Niners vs. Ravens

Not So Boring Commercials vs. Boring Commercials

A little pre game brotherly love…  Joke!

Super Bowl 3

The Ravens got off to an amazing start, and it was looking to be another boring SUPER BOWL game.  Before you knew it, it was…

Super Bowl 4

Kelly, can you handle this?  Michelle, can you handle this? BEYONCE, can you handle this?  I DON’T THINK YOU CAN HANDLE THIS….

Super Bowl 2

Photo Credit

I don’t think I can handle it!  I have to say I loved the performance.  BEYONCE never disappoints.  She was fierce…and by fierce I mean she scared me a little.  Those facial expressions!  She was killin’ it!  Mental note: Don’t ever mess with B.

Oops..The video of the performance was taken down!  Click Beyonce below for a link to the official video…


Photo Credit

There was an intro at the beginning of Beyonce’s performance that was hard to hear…I knew it had to be good, so I looked into it!  It was an inspiring quote by the legendary Vince Lombardi…

“Excellence must be pursued, it must be wooed with all of one’s might and every bit of effort that we have. Each day there’s a new encounter, each week is a new challenge. All of the noise and all of the glamour all of the color, all of the excitement, all of the rings and all of the money. These are the things that linger only in the memory. But the spirit, the will to excel, the will to win, these are the things that endure.” 

I’m lovin’ this quote right now.  Read it again.

A little “Behind The Scenes” look – The Rehearsal

After the Half Time show, there was a POWER OUTAGE.  Some people blame Beyonce, some blame the Illuminati, some blame Jim Harbaugh (typical little brother move), some blame New Orleans, and the NFL blamed an “outside” power surge.  34 minute water break… The momentum swung to the Niners!  They were making a COMEBACK!

And now a word from your local sponsors…  COMMERCIAL BREAK. 

Audi Commercial. Bravery.  It’s what defines us.

I loved this commercial because it was a great reminder to have the courage to go after what you want!  BE BRAVE!

Budweiser. Brotherhood.

This commercial was directed by the son of famous Hollywood director, Ridley Scott.  Jake Scott brought us a touching commercial that reminded us of the power and the bond of family.  No matter what happens… you are always connected.

It’s not a SUPER BOWL PARTAY without yummy food! So, Caroline and I decided to make an easy Super Bowl treat… Football Rice Krispies Treats!  Inspired by Ace Ventura…


“They’re little footballs.”

So who won?  HARBAUGH!  HARBAUGH WON!!!! (hehe)