The Show: Coterie

I really didn’t know what I was missing out on when my mom and Emily went to the clothing shows in New York while I had to go to school. I always imagined what it would be like…but I didn’t think it would be as fun as it ended up being! I am so glad that my Spring Break fell on the same week as one of the clothing shows because I really did have a blast! And New York City is one of my favorite cities, so that was just the cherry on top!

My mom and Emily started a tradition on their very first time going to a show of going to Starbucks for breakfast. Oatmeal and Coffees (Tea for me though!). And now, it is bad luck to go anywhere else for breakfast on show days…and we wouldn’t want that! So, Starbucks it was.


Then, it was show time!!




The only way I can think of describing what the show was like is comparing it to Devil Wears Prada. Remember the scene when Meryl Streep is being shown all the clothes in a particular collection and she decides whether she likes the pieces or not? “There’s a scale. One nod is good, two nods is very good. There’s only one actual smile on record and that was Tom Ford in 2001. If she doesn’t like it she shakes her head. Then of course there’s the pursing of the lips. Which means? Catastrophe.” That’s how I felt…although Emily, my mom and I were smiling a lot more than pursing our lips! We went from designer to designer picking out some amazing pieces for Milly & Grace.

Here is a sneak peak at what is coming to Milly & Grace this season!

Minnie Rose

Minnie Rose

^^Everyone is busy running around!

Minnie Rose 3

        ^^Minnie Rose handed out reading glasses         ^^ The drawn designs and fabric swatches!

 (automatically my mom’s favorite line) and cappuccinos!

Minnie Rose 2

^^The lovely model who tried all the designs on for us!

Minnie Rose 1.jpeg

^^Decisions, decisions, decisions!


Splendid 1

Splendid 5

Splendid 3

 Splendid 4

Splendid 2

                                                                                                          ^^Order an extra one for me, please!!

Splendid 6

^^I knew this cute manager and I had to become best friends the second I saw that her nail polish matched her shoes!

Ella Moss

Ella Moss 1

Ella Moss 2

Ella Moss 3

Ella Moss 5

Ella Moss 6

Ella Moss 4


Rebecca Taylor


RebTay 1

RebTay 3

Tracy Reese

Tracy Reese 1

Tracy Reese 2

Tracy Reese 4

Tracy Reese 5


Tracy Reese 3


Joie 3

Joie 2

Joie 1

Soft Joie

Soft Joie

Soft Joie 1

Soft Joie 3


Erin 2

Erin 3

Erin 1

                                                                                                               ^^ I cannot wait to wear this shirt!


Parker 1

Parker 4

Parker 2

Parker 3

Kate Spade

Kate Spade 4

         Kate Spade 8

                     ^^They were handing out little cupcakes!                ^^I think this bag was made for me!

Kate Spade 5

Kate Spade 3

Kate Spade 7

                                                                                                  ^^I’ll take one of each please!

                                                                                                        Bows are my weakness.

Kate Spade 1

Kate Spade 2

Kate Spade 6

^^Our favorite piece from the collection! That collar is to die for.

And that wraps up the Fall Show! I can’t wait until I get to go back again. And I can’t wait to unpack all the boxes with these cute clothes inside (it’s not often you hear me say that) so that I can try them all on. Summer, hurry up!!

Best Eggs Benedict in NYC (apparently)

While I was in New York, I missed Sunday Funday with Allie and couldn’t continue our search for the Best Breakfast. BUT, Emily had heard about a restaurant in New York City that apparently had the best Eggs Benedict! So, you didn’t have to tell me twice…we headed right on over to Balthazar to try it out for ourselves.




And the verdict…Pretty amazing! It certainly was one of the best Eggs Benedicts I have ever tasted. The Hollandaise sauce was perfectly creamy with a kick of something that made it a tad spicy…just how I like it! And while it wasn’t a thick piece of ham the way I like it to be, they did put a couple pieces of thin ham so it did make up for it. They toasted and buttered the english muffin…so so so delicious!


The Hazlenut Sour Cream waffles were also pretty amazing! I’m kind of loving sour cream on things sweet like the blueberry sour cream pancakes from The Griddle.


This Egg Pastry dish was to die for too!


And the service was impeccable. Seriously, the chefs were so fast. So fast. I can’t even describe it.

Since I didn’t have enough time to taste Eggs Benedict at any other restaurant in New York City, I’ll just go ahead and take Emily’s friend’s word for it and say it was the best Eggs Benedict in NYC!!



^^Look it’s not Flat Stanley…but Flat Allie!

Workin’ on my fitness!

Actors not only have to train and work on their craft, they also have to train in the gym!  If you treat acting as a business, the actor is the product.  The product’s packaging and marketing (physical appearance) is just as important as the product (acting) itself.  You are selling an image before you are selling the acting.

I am a very lucky girl because I have found a work out that I LOVE!!  The Tracy Anderson Method.

I had my friend, Kelly Ripa, do a little piece on the Tracy Anderson Method for you all!

I was first introduced to the Tracy Anderson Method by Emily, my older sister.  Emily gave me Tracy’s first mat method DVD.  I fell in love!  I would do the DVD in my living room back in my college days.  I then moved to Los Angeles and have been able to go to Tracy’s studio in Studio City!  They customize a workout specifically for me (and my big booty)!  I have also been able to work out with Tracy herself.  It’s crazy that I used to stare at her on the TV for years and now I get to see her in real life.  She is just as cute and tiny as you think she would be, and also really sweet.  She LOVES what she does and is quite brilliant… you can tell there really is a method to her madness. I am so grateful for the Tracy Anderson Method Studio and all the amazing trainers, as well as the wonderful clients/friends I’ve made there.

Here are a few pictures of the LA Studio below…

TAM Studio

A lot of celebrities love the method because each move is specifically tailored to each person, so you see the results fast!  Here are Tracy and Nicole… Look at those hotties!


One of the things Tracy stresses is that you don’t have to be a client in her studio to get a Tracy Anderson workout/body!  You can do it in the comfort of your own home.  She has awesome DVDs that you can do yourself.  Visit her website for more details!  Try a few right now…


Your little buns will feel tighter after these few moves.  I promise!