“Her recommendations for a campsite were totally unsuitable. There were no outlets. And there was dirt, and bugs, and… and it rains there. So anyway, we’ve found a place that’s much more us: the Beverly Hills Hotel.”
– Phyllis, Troop Beverly Hills
Caroline and I went to the Beverly Hills Hotel last Sunday for a lovely brunch, as a part of our Quest for the Best Breakfast in Los Angeles. You can check what we had for breakfast out on her blog. The Beverly Hills Hotel is a legendary spot in the BH. It has been officially named Beverly Hills first Historic Landmark. Her nickname: The “Pink Palace”.
^ Workin’ the little step and repeat!
^ Caroline on the Red Carpet. Flirtin’ with the camera. Why didn’t I get that tall model body, Mom??
^On our way to the pool area!
^ Bungalows!! Bungalow is such a fun word to say. Say it. See, it’s fun!
I tried to find some good gossip stories about the Beverly Hills Hotel but I couldn’t find any! I guess, “What happens at the BH Hotel, stays at the BH Hotel”. If only those Bungalow walls could talk….