My Week With Marilyn


I am ashamed to admit that I watched ‘My Week With Marilyn’ for the first time this past weekend.  I am so sad that I spent the last year of my life without this movie in my life.  Michelle Williams’ performance/transformation/embodiment of Marilyn was so beautiful and awe inspiring… that it inspired me to do more research on the iconic Hollywood actress, Marilyn Monroe.

Growing up as a young girl, aspiring to be an actress, the image of Marilyn Monroe represented “the dream” for me!  She was “it” – movie star, glamorous, loved, captivating.  I accepted her at face value.  I never knew much about who she truly was behind the naive, “dumb blonde”, sex symbol persona that she played to the public.  I don’t really know if I wanted to know because what I did know was that it was dark and troubled.  I now have a whole new level of admiration, appreciation and empathy towards her.  HER wit, HER empathy, HER desire to be taken seriously as an artist is so admirable (to say the least).  She was smarter than she ever led on to be… which is why she was so successful.  Her role as “Marilyn Mornoe” was the BEST performance she ever gave.

I have decided to spend a week with Marilyn.  I will review the movie and research the production process, and  I will also dive into who Marilyn was as a person, an actress and an Icon.



Free Marilyn

I leave you now with these two images.  Above is the image of Marilyn that Michelle Williams had above her bed as she grew up as a girl.  Marilyn looks so free, happy, innocent, alive and at peace.  I believe this is one of the reasons why Michelle was able to dive into the heart of Marilyn and show us who she really was.  This was the Marilyn she knew.  She could have been easily fooled or distracted by the other woman in the other white dress… Marilyn Monroe.


*Photo Credit 1, 2, 3*


  1. Pretty picture of you Allie! You look like Marilyn!

  2. I’m so looking forward to reading about Your Week With Marilyn!! I guess I should see this movie!!


  1. […] then we just sat, read magazines, read a book on Marilyn Monroe, and just appreciated the beauty of the world around […]

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