Middle Child Syndrome

I was up late last night, doing what every girl does when she can’t sleep… PINTERESTING.  Us girls are always up to no good on Pinterest.  You know what I am talking about.  Spending hours shopping for the perfect pins to pin.  Pinning about our dream weddings, houses, wardrobes, diets, husbands etc.  Can’t blame us girls for dreaming!  Or turning those dreams into realities, which I do believe Pinterest deserves a lot of credit in helping us achieve them.  Anyways, while perusing the world of Pinterest, I came across this pin…

Middle Child

I identified immediately with that little guy on the left.  I almost started to tear up!  Ok, I did tear up. (It is true.  Middle children are highly emotional. And sensitive.)

I think I even have a picture exactly like this one…  Hold on.  Oh yep!  Here it is…


I hate to share this picture.  It’s embarrassing.  We are practically grown ups!

Majority of the time we get along perfectly!  We are three best friends that… anyone can have!

But we… I…do have my moments.

Proof they love me…

Sister love

Being an actress, I am constantly studying human behavior.  Whether it is through observation, research or my own experiences.  I love trying to figure out why people act the way they do.  Behavior is often times a result of the way we were brought up or experiences we had growing up.  Sometimes it’s the environment we are in or sometimes we are just born with it.

For example:  It is a known fact that Caroline always (and I mean always) matches her underwear to her outfits.  Why is that?  Out of habit?  Ritual?  Superstition?  I don’t think you can be born with that trait.  I believe Patty is to blame for that.  Her nickname is “matchy matchy party lady”.  Patty must have really focused on that with Caroline, cause I don’t do that.  Come to think about it, I think Emily does it too!  Patty must have forgotten about teaching her middle child the importance of matching.  I think I need to get to the root of this.  Patty, expect a call later.  Anyways.

I did a little research on personality traits of middle children, and there are some positive traits that we middle children possess.

1.  Middle children are more go with the flow.

2. Middle children often play the peacemaker.

3.  Middle children are very creative.

I am definitely a middle child.  Thank you, family, for putting up with my middle child ways!


  1. Allie….a private matching lesson when you get to Nantucket! I love you and your middle child ways! xoxo

  2. Allie you know I love ya more than chocolate…you, your middle child ways and all! And frankly I think you should sneak into Caroline’s room one night and steal all her underwear and replace them all with plain white!! Become the middle child prankster! LOL!

    • Brilliant idea, cuz! I think the middle child prankster will be terrorizing Nantucket in a few weeks! Watch out Big and Lil sis! Although, Caroline is really an excellent prankster. I have my work cut out for me.

  3. I too, am a middle child of all girls. I know what you mean.

    We call her Perfect Patty, because she’s as close to wonderfully perfect, as you can get. Are you sure she didn’t teach you the matchy, matchy stuff?

    • It rubbed off on me a little, Louise! But I am definitely not like the other two. They try to get me to wear matching pajamas but I just can’t seem to get it together. XOXO

  4. I’m a middle too!! I identify with you on a lot of these. I think middle children are the most independent too, in my experience!

  5. auntie joanie :

    Oh my goodness, you are way too real. I love it when you speak your mind. Hard for me to identify with as I am the oldest of five your mom being the baby. However ,no matter the line up, you’re perfect.

  6. I enjoyed your post Allie, but I can trump your sitch! I’m the middle child and only girl with 3 brothers! If I wanted to play with my brothers and their friends I had to either play the nurse when they played ‘war’ or sometimes i even got to be an injured soldier and was dragged back to base camp!! So, no surprise, it has never occurred to me to match any under garments! Xo

    • Linda! Your situation definitely trumped mine! Can’t imagine growing up with BOYS!! Love and miss you. XO

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