Mac & Cheese + Pancakes = ???


Mac&CheesePancakes - M


O – M – G.  I was very suspicious of this recipe at first.  I thought it was a totally weird idea, like Caroline’s PB and Pickles sandwich, but if you know me at all, you know that I LOVE macaroni and cheese and I LOVE pancakes…

 Side note: I went through a phase when I was seven years old where I would eat my Annie’s Mac and Cheese one shell at a time.  Ya know, so it would last longer.   Patty was really concerned about me during that phase.  That was the beginning of my addiction.  She actually got mad at me and said I would be grounded if I didn’t eat it normally.  (I could be embellishing the story but that’s how I remember it.)

Anyways, when I saw this recipe I thought I MUST try it.  My two favorite foods come together in one dish!  They were incredible.  It was definitely an amazing experience.  They wouldn’t be my normal go to brunch recipe, but it was something fun to try!

Here is the recipe…

Macaroni and Cheese Pancakes

By: Every Day with Rachel Ray



2 Cups of Flour

1 Tablespoon of Sugar

2 teaspoons of Baking Powder

1 teaspoon of Coarse Salt

2 1/3 Cups of Buttermilk

2 Eggs

2 Tablespoons of Melted Butter, cooled

2 1/2 Cups of cooked, drained and cooled Macaroni

2 Cups of Cheddar Cheese



1.  In a large bowl, whisk together flour, sugar, baking powder and salt.

2. In a separate bowl, whisk together buttermilk, eggs and melted butter.

3.  Pour wet ingredients into large bowl with dry ingredients.  Sir.

4.  Fold in macaroni and cheese!

5. Preheat griddle to medium-high heat, add a little butter then scoop a 1/4 cup of batter onto the griddle.  Cook until underside is golden brown and bubbles form on top.  Flip and cook until other side is golden brown.

6. Stack up a bunch of pancakes!  Pour on the syrup!  AND ENJOY!!!!!!!!!



  1. Are you kidding me?!?! OMG is right!! Oh, and I don’t think I grounded you….but it did annoy me because it would take you about an hour to finish your bowl of Annie’s! Crazy kid!

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