Happy Tom Brady Day!

For those of you who think that today is only about 12/12/12, the last day we will ever have repeating digits in our date for a very long time (monumental, I know), you are seriously mistaken.  Today is ACTUALLY Tom Brady Day.  Today we get to celebrate arguably or, in my opinion not arguably because he is, the best quarterback of ALL TIME!  NOW THAT’S MONUMENTAL!

Tom Brady 1

Tom Brady 2

Tom Brady 3

Credit: INFphoto.com Ref.: infusbo-10|sp|

^Credit: INFphoto.com

Tom Brady 5

* Photo 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 *


  1. Oh this day definitely deserves celebration! He is just the cutest. And my favorite quarterback ever…despite the disappointing end to this season.

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