Happy Labor Day!

I hope everyone is having a lovely Labor Day weekend!  Today is a day you get to celebrate all your productive/hard work you’ve done so far this year!  Kick up those feet, pour yourselves a glass of wine and toast to you!


I feel like this is also a time to reflect.  To acknowledge all the ups and downs of the first half of the year and realize that you get to change whatever it is you don’t like!  Isn’t that amazing??  (Or if you can’t… you can always change your PERSPECTIVE!!  WHAT?  I know, I’m talking crazy.)

Plot Twist

 ^This made me laugh :)

Today also marks the beginning of Season 2 of 2014!  And I believe it to be the most wonderful time of the year!  I truly feel like all is right in the world, once again, with the start of the football season (Bizzare, I know, but oddly true for me.).  Season 2 is also the season of bouquets of newly sharpened pencils (which no one actually ever does with the exception of my dear friend Martha), pumpkin spice lattes (but can’t drink those because everyone ruined all the fun with the articles on how bad they are for you and how there isn’t even pumpkin in the ingredients), the crisp Fall air (that rarely makes an appearance in LA), cozy sweater and scarf weather (which I never get to wear because I live in LA)… I have a lot to look forward to!! ;)

I am really excited because there is a sense of movement in the industry that slows down over the summer and I feel it picking up.  The town is reenergized from the summer and the creative juices are flowing!  I really have a good feeling about the path I am on!  So I am going to toast to that… to following your bliss!

Follow your bliss and the universe will open up doors for you where there were only walls.” – Joseph Campbell – AMEN!


I actually just came across another quote that I think is truly important and is rare for people (I am talking about myself) to own… so here’s a toast…. Know the power of your words.  Know the power of your body.  Know the power of your mind.

Oh and I love this…



I am in a very inspired/get inspired mood!  Happy Monday!


  1. I love this, Allie!! The best is yet to come!! I love you!! xo

  2. Love every piece of advice that you gave! It’s just like I was telling you the other day…I feel like my years start according to the school year. It feels like a brand new year for me since I just started school. And I love that feeling!

  3. Love this and you, Allie!! (And of course bouquets of newly sharpened pencils…if only I knew your name and address!!!)

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