Happy Father’s Day!

Father's Day

Dear Dad,

We are so lucky to call you our Father.  You have instilled in us so many amazing values and taught us so many invaluable lessons.  We are so grateful and we hope we have made you proud!  We know it must be hard living in a house full of four women (some strongly opinionated and some highly emotional), we don’t know how you do it!  Thank you for taking care of us. You are the best!

We love you to the moon and back!


Your Girls

In honor of you, we thought we would share your favorite poem…


Wise words.  Happy Father’s Day!


  1. Very sweet, Girls! xoxo

  2. Thank you all soooo much for your kind words and warm thoughts! I cannot even begin to tell you how proud I am of each of you! You are all amazing, caring, and wonderful! (Fortunately, you all take after your Mom!) I love this picture, because for me, it captures your kind spirits and your sweet hearts all within your smiling faces! Thanks for adding Desiderata…reading it is always a good, concise reminder of the way things truly are! And now, it is my turn to thank you back. These days, it is I who learns so much from you. Most of all, thank you for being such wonderful daughters!! It has made being your Dad so rewarding!! Love you all with all my heart!!! Dad

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