Character Analysis – Me – Part One

The ability to analyze/breakdown characters is critical to the job of an actor.  There are so many factors in our lives that define our character.  Family, childhood, friends, experiences, education, significant events, tragedy, adversity, happiness, joy…. the list goes on.

As an actor, the most important character breakdown you will ever do is… your own.  You have to truly know yourself inside and out before you can “become” someone else.  You have to know why you do things, how you react in situations, what makes you happy, what makes you sad, your insecurities, your positive attributes, your quirks, your habits… if you really know who you are and how you operate, then you will be able to understand and breakdown any character you are going to play.  (Always ask why?)  You will use parts of yourself in each role that are similar and parts that you get to create with your imagination.

For me, my family has been the most influential factor in the development of my character.

Without them I would be a lost little sheep.  My parents did the most incredible job of raising me and my sisters into strong, independent women.  Having two sisters taught me what it is to be a true friend, to love unconditionally, to laugh, to make fun of each other (and not take ourselves too seriously), to be loyal, to be supportive, and to have each other’s back no matter what.

I would now like to introduce you to my family…

My Father, Bill


Nicknames: Billy, BillOtt, Daddio, Pa pa (Downton Accent)

Favorite things:  Being a Dad to three daughters (Sorry one of us wasn’t a boy. At least I talk sports and watch football with you), Being a mentor/teacher, Athletics (a triathlete and pole vaulter) and Art (Warhol is one of his favorites).

My Mother, Patty


Nicknames: Mama, Mummy, Mommers, Pom Pom, Pat Pat, Ma ma (Downton Accent)

Favorite things: Being a Mom to three daughters, Being “matchy matchy”, throwing the best parties with everything perfectly planned down to the last little detail, watching her shows (she is her mother’s daughter) and analyzing Taylor Swift songs.  She is really good at coming up with detailed theories on which guy T Swift is singing about in each of her songs.  Flannel shirts and coffee shops… definitely Jake Gyllenhaal.

Older Sister, Emily

Em and Steve

Nicknames: Em, Emmy, Sister. I know, not very creative.  I haven’t been able to come up with one that sticks!

 Steve has some good ones for her… Sweet Petunia, Petunes, Girly, Girlykins

Favorite Things:  Being a big sister (paving the road for her younger sisters… thank you), Being a business owner on Nantucket – Milly & Grace, cooking, book club and coming up with projects for Steve to do!

* Pictured above with her amazing husband, Steve. Newest addition to our family *

Younger Sister, Caroline


Nicknames: Cezzie, Cezzaline, Smudgie, Smudgers, Butty

Favorite Things: Being a sister, Perfect outfits with perfect accessories, Weddings, Babies, Blogging, Naomi’s blog, and always being right.

Now, you have all been properly introduced!  You will be seeing these characters A LOT… We are a close knit ensemble!

FamilyThat’s it for Part One of Character Analysis!  Until next time…

Homework:  What makes you tick?

Photo and Emily and Steve by Zofia&Co.


  1. Cute post Allie!! I love that both Mom and Caroline are wearing Ruanas!!

  2. Family is so important to me too, Allie! You forgot Pat-face, Pat Pat, and Pom Pom under mom’s nicknames!

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