This winter has been the snowiest winter on Nantucket that I’ve ever experienced! We don’t normally get very much snow out here because we catch a little bit of the gulf stream and so it’s always a little warmer out here than in Boston or on the Cape. On Saturday night, we fell asleep to a blizzard and woke up on Sunday to the most beautiful bluebird day! Steve, Ivy and I bundled up and headed out to explore the winter wonderland!
The CreeksNo surfing today…
Eel Point
Snow pup
She’s getting so big!
Space on Old South Wharf
In other news:
Sometimes when we go exploring I look ridiculous.
Poor little Ivy is in heat and has to wear a diaper. She was supposed to get spayed before she went into heat but we missed it by 4 days. (Pups can’t get spayed while they are in heat) Apparently it lasts for 3 weeks. On a brighter note, she looks adorable in my scarf…
That’s the latest from this little island 30 miles out to sea!