Nanny Diaries: The Shipwreck and Life-Saving Museum

Curren is always inclined to learn. He always asks questions the way every little kid does…and he remembers everything you teach him! And I do mean everything. So, this five year old is always begging me to take him to museums. (Sometimes even to see the same museum two days in a row!)

Today, we visited The Shipwreck and Life-Saving Museum. We learned about how islanders would risk their lives in order to save the shipwrecked sailors off of Nantucket’s shores. Curren knew more than I did and even taught me a few things for a change!

Life-Saving Museum 1

Life-Saving Museum 2

Life-Saving Museum 3

Life-Saving Museum 4

Life-Saving Museum 6

Ellie and Lindsey Take Nantucket

My two girlfriends, Ellie and Lindsey, just flew in to Nantucket last night from Georgia and I am so excited to have them here! We plan on making the most of every second we have together before they have to go back home, we all go off to college, and won’t see each other for six months! We are starting with spending the day at the beach…

Ellie and Lindsey - Take Nantucketedited

The Westmoor Club Luau

This past weekend was our country club’s annual summer party! When I was younger and not quite old enough to go, I was always so jealous that my family was able to go and I couldn’t. But during the years I have been able to go, I have had the best time…and this year was no different! The theme for this summer’s party was a luau. We enjoyed cocktail hour and hor’s dervs, followed by a delicious dinner and dessert. Then, we danced the night away to a live band.

Luau 1

Luau 2

Luau 3

Luau 4

Luau 5

Luau 6

luau 7

luau 10

luau 11

Luau 8

Luau 12

Luau 13

I already can’t wait for next summer’s party!