Family Beach Day

The Milly & Grace Girls are busy girls during the summer!  So much so that we sometimes forget that we live on an island and that there is a beach waiting for us to have some fun!  We all had the afternoon off, so the Ott Family packed up the car and headed to the beach.


^ We trekked along till we found the perfect spot!




^ Watch out for the waves!


^Look at me – all innocent, just enjoying walking on the beach.  Unbeknownst to me, Caroline was on a mission to throw me in the ocean!  She tried hard but did not succeed! Funny, little Caroline.


^Lunch time! Yummy! Sandwiches are perfect for a beach lunch!  We picked some up on the way at our favorite sandwich shop, FRESH.


^Relaxing. Soaking in the rays. Soaking in the view.


^Here’s Dad! About to attack the waves on the boogie board!


Aww… Nantucket really is my favorite place in the world.  It was a perfect day at the beach!

What’s hiding at the Nantucket Ice Rink?

One of Nantucket’s best kept secrets is hiding at the Nantucket Ice Rink!  The Milly & Grace Girls are going to let you in on that little secret…


SIAM TO GO! The ice rink’s concession stand whips up the best Thai food in town.  No joke.  We are being serious.  Curries, fried rice, pad thai, spring rolls and salads… Oh my!


When you don’t feel like going into town, or when you want to avoid the crowds, or if you don’t have reservations at your favorite fancy restaurant, or if you just want to stay in after a long day of work or day at the beach… call up Siam (508.228.SIAM), place your order and pick it up in 15 minutes!


After work, Caroline and I were on our own for dinner so we called up SIAM!  It was just the two of us so we got the garden salad and Pad Thai to share.


We went home, turned on our newest Netflix obsession, Friday Night Lights, and enjoyed a lovely dinner at home.


So easy and yummy.

Now this secret stays between us!  Ok?

Don’t go telling everyone you know!

Strawberry Picking at Bartlett Farm!

Ok.  Why haven’t I done this before??!!  Every year Bartlett Farm offers strawberry picking and since it was on my list of 30 things to do before I’m 30 I couldn’t pass up my chance!  For $5 you can fill a basket with juicy farm-fresh strawberries.

1.Pick your own

Off we go!

2.Off We Go

We mean business!

3.Family Affair

“Butt” when Allie comes along, it’s all fun and games!

4.Strawberry butts

Jewelry inspiration for Milly & Grace?

5.Strawberry Earrings

She can’t be trusted.


Picking a few, eating a few…

8.Eating Strawberries



Until next year!

10.All Done