Walking to Great Point Lighthouse

I am kind of obsessed with lighthouses! I think its because I grew up in Wisconsin and had never seen a lighthouse before.

 I saw cows and corn and cheese!

Last year I really wanted to see the third lighthouse on Nantucket, but it’s not easy to get there.  Usually people rent a jeep and drive to it, but last June you were not able to do this because of birds or something.  So, James and I went to Wauwinet to look around and on a whim, decided we would just start walking to Great Point!


4.2 miles there and 4.2 miles back! 8.5 miles round trip!  On soft sand. In cheap sandals. With no water.


It started off fun!  See – I was so happy to make it to mile marker 2!


Then the complaining started, “Are we there yet?”  “I’m thirsty!” “My feet and back hurt!” I will let you guess who was doing the complaining.  Finally, we saw it!  Great Point in all its glory!


I felt like we were looking at the Emerald City!  However, unlike Dorothy and the gang we still had a while to go.  This lighthouse was like a mirage.  You see it.  You keep walking towards it, but is it even really there or is it just a figment of our imagination?

Keeping with the theme of the Wizard of Oz, remember, in the movie, when the Witch sent the flying monkeys to capture Dorothy?  Well, the Wicked Witch of Nantucket, let’s call her the Grey Lady, sent birds for us!  Hundreds and hundreds of birds that didn’t appreciate us trespassing on their land.


They started circling us, swooping down, making noises, (I swear I heard one say “LEAVE THIS PLACE!”)  We tried to keep up conversation, but after awhile I noticed these birds did not like it when we talked.  So, we ran! James jogged ahead, flailing his arms at the incoming birds; his only protection being his sandals!


I got this one picture before the intense dive bombing started and I screamed, “What am I going to do if a bird pecks me before my wedding?”  (I know I tend to be a little dramatic, but it was actually scary!)

After what seemed like hours, the birds cleared and we had made it!  Great Point Lighthouse!




We had to start walking back before the sun set.  We dreaded getting past those birds again, but unless we wanted to walk in complete darkness we had to get going.  On the way back, we met a baby seal sunbathing on the shore.  I wanted to get closer, but James decided that since we were almost pecked by birds, we didn’t need to have this baby seal’s mother maul us for getting too close to its baby.


If it wasn’t for animal rights, I may have tried to capture these swans for our wedding. (Just kidding, or am I?)


We made it back just in the nick of time.


We enjoyed a nice dinner at Toppers afterward.


In closing, walking to Great Point was actually so much fun! I highly recommend it.  However, bring some water, better shoes, and watch out for those birds!

In other news, “Tuesdays With Tim” is now going to feature a “Book of the Month” for a sort of online book club!   I have always wanted to be a part of a book club! My choice for this month is the highly anticipated Night Film by, Marisha Pessl.

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I am so excited for this book, but it’s not going to be for everybody!  It’s supposed to be extremely scary (like birds dive bombing you as you walk to a lighthouse scary!)  If you scare easily maybe give my first selection a pass and check back next month!  I don’t want to give anyone nightmares! :)  If you like a good scare though, join me in reading Night Film.  It’s released today!  Every month I will review the book and then pick a new one!  Can’t wait to read and talk about this book that is being described as “A literary mystery that’s also a page turner…Night Film might be the most talked about novel this summer!” – Time Out New York

See you on Tuesdays!


Checking things off my list! #23 Skinny Dipping

I have just under 4 months to check off everything on my list of things I need to do before I’m 30. There are a few things that need to get done before the summer is over… Like #23 Skinny Dipping. The ocean is already getting cooler!!

We took the boat to the middle of the harbor and jumped in.

It was dark… but here is the proof that I did it!


Decorating a Nantucket House

Do you want to know why I was most excited to move to Nantucket? The beaches? The restaurants? The people?      NOPE!

Sorry about it, but I was most excited to decorate a Nantucket house!!!  (Actually, I am not this shallow, but it would make my Top 5.)

Come take the tour and get some tips for Do-it-Yourself decorating and also some great home decor items at our online boutique: www.millyandgrace.com

Welcome to our Nantucket Beach House!


The Kitchen


I love white kitchens! They are so bright and clean and it allows you to choose whatever accent color you want.  Our kitchen aid mixer is Ice Blue so I got some blue mason jars and filled them with turquoise straws from Etsy.  I have never liked clutter, so I tried to keep it simple.  Sometimes, my husband will clutter up the kitchen because he is the chef in the family and I will say “Umm Did you forget everything you learned at orientation?”

D-I-Y: Use Pelligrino Bottles in your kitchen as decoration.  It adds a distinctive pop of color without breaking the bank!

SHOP:  I also love this grid flower jar from Milly & Grace. It’s the perfect place to put a fresh bouquet of hydrangeas from your garden.


The Living Room


This was probably my favorite room to decorate. My inspiration was the picture from our wedding above the fireplace. I love all of the ocean colors and had fun tying in different textures to match with the picture by Zofia and Co.

D-I-Y: If you want the feel and look of a fire during the summer months, get some candles of different heights and arrange them in your fireplace.

SHOP: Items at www.millyandgrace.com tied this whole room together.  I love the marine hobnail candle, the filigree votives match perfectly, and the sweet tea candle  and the willow vase give off that beach cottage feel.


The Library


If you read my blog post 13 Books for 2013, you know that I love to read, so you can imagine how much I enjoy our library.

D-I-Y: Take some of your favorite book jackets and get them framed!  It makes the perfect decoration for your library or study.  I recommend the Harry Potter books because of all the bright colors.

SHOP: I love libraries to the Moon & Back, so this square art from Milly & Grace was the perfect addition.

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Guest Bedroom


If you read my blog post Groom-zilla Part I, you know that I love the color coral and I am very specific with the shade of coral that I like.  I love our guest bedroom so much that sometimes I want to move into it.

D-I-Y:  I wanted picture frames in specific colors to hang on the walls, but I could not find coral or turquoise or navy blue picture frames.  So, I bought white ones at Michaels and then painted them myself with acrylic paint that is sold in almost every color imaginable.

SHOP: I love this coral hobnail candle from Milly & Grace. It matches so well, but adds a different texture to the room!  It smells really great too, even when it’s not burning.  I am also thinking about tying in this coral pillow that we just added to the online store!



Yoga Room


Yes, we have a yoga room!  This usually results in an eye roll from people, but let me tell you WHY we have a yoga room.  I wanted so many things for the new house that my husband decided to put a stop to it and say “No more furniture!”  I asked myself, “What can I do with a room that would not require any furniture?”  Enter Yoga Room!  LED candles around the room, a couple of your favorite sunset pictures on the wall, a Namaste sign from Etsy, a peace lily and you have yourself your own Yoga studio!  Now I just have to find the time to use it! ;)

D-I-Y: Design your own Yoga Room for that extra bedroom and for when your spouse is being a party-pooper because of your spending habits!

SHOP:  You can find a place for these white unscented votive candles in any yoga room!


Master Bedroom


Gray and white stripes with pops of yellow is what I decided for our master bedroom and it doesn’t get any more Nantucket than that!

D-I-Y: I love the look of everything gray and white with just one pop of color.  All the pictures, frames, furniture, etc are gray and white to make the yellow really stand out!  After all, nothing says Rise-and-Shine like yellow!

SHOP:   Washing your hands has never been so fun than with this all-natural hand soap!  It’s available in 4 colors/scents to match with your master suite and tie the bathroom and bedroom together.



Every Nantucket table should have the latest copy of N Magazine on it and these Nantucket inspired tin candles are the perfect pairing with it.  I love these tins because they can be reused after the candle is gone as a special keepsake of your favorite island.  Collect all four designs/scents!


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I hope you enjoyed the tour!

Sometimes I think I fulfill every stereotype out there and do you know what I will say to that,

“See you next Tues-Gay!” :)