Homemade Chipwiches are hard to beat! Freshly baked cookies, with icecream in between…are you drooling yet? I am just thinking about them.
Curren was a very good helper…especially at helping me clean the beaters!
Homemade Chipwiches are hard to beat! Freshly baked cookies, with icecream in between…are you drooling yet? I am just thinking about them.
Curren was a very good helper…especially at helping me clean the beaters!
Curren is always inclined to learn. He always asks questions the way every little kid does…and he remembers everything you teach him! And I do mean everything. So, this five year old is always begging me to take him to museums. (Sometimes even to see the same museum two days in a row!)
Today, we visited The Shipwreck and Life-Saving Museum. We learned about how islanders would risk their lives in order to save the shipwrecked sailors off of Nantucket’s shores. Curren knew more than I did and even taught me a few things for a change!
When it rains on Nantucket, there isn’t much you can do with a five year old. So we decided to snuggle up on the couch to watch The Incredibles.
Of course our movie day wouldn’t be complete without some movie theater popcorn and candy!
I don’t want this little one to ever become “too old” to cuddle.
The Milly & Grace Girls Blog is a lifestyle blog about Emily, the owner of a cute shop on Nantucket Island called Milly & Grace, Allison, an actress living in Los Angeles, and Caroline, a college student (and future wedding planner) living in Malibu! We are three sisters, and the granddaughters of Milly & Grace. We are The Milly & Grace Girls! We would love it if you would come hang out with us!
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