Oak Bluffs – Martha’s Vineyard

I know. It’s been awhile since I got back from my trip to Martha’s Vineyard.  It has been a crazy couple of weeks with the 4th of July, the launch of the Milly & Grace online store and spending time with our visitors!  However, I couldn’t resist sharing more of our adventures OTV.

I mentioned in my Nantucket vs. Martha’s Vineyard post that Martha’s Vineyard has 6 towns and one of them is named Oak Bluffs.  What sets Oak Bluffs apart from the other MV towns is the Camp Meeting Grounds.  The center of town is made up of over 300 little “gingerbread cottages” – tiny, gothic/victorian style homes that were built in 1866 as a part of a Methodist summer retreat.  Nowadays, camp activities have calmed but the community still maintains some services and traditions.

I spent an afternoon wandering and weaving through the campground and what I noticed the most besides the architecture and brightly painted houses is the sense of community and pride among the home owners.  I later learned that a lot of these houses have been passed down four or five generations from the original camp owners.  There was a constant buzz – porches were full of people, there were picnics on the greens and people out enjoying their gardens.  And everyone was especially excited when you wanted to take a picture of their house.

I snapped a few pictures of some of my favorites!


gingerbread houses 1

gingerbread houses 4

gingerbread houses 2

gingerbread houses 3

AND THEN…I stopped dead in my tracks when I came across a Pink & Grey cottage named Nana’s Dream.  Personally, I think it should be renamed the Milly & Grace house!

Milly & Grace House

Vineyard Vines – Oak Bluffs Style.


Oak Bluffs is also home to The Flying Horses –  the oldest operating carousel in the US !

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Oak Bluffs is a must see if you are ever OTV!

Edgartown & The Randall – Beltz Wedding

Steve in Edgartown

Edgartown is the town on the Vineyard that is most like Nantucket.  Captain’s houses, white picket fences, brick sidewalks… you get the idea.  The morning before the wedding, Steve and I explored this cute little town.  Steve loves looking at architecture so we weaved through all of the streets and we happened to stumble across my new fav house…

Favorite HouseThe porch, a mojito and me sound like a great combo!

Captain's HousesHouses along North Water Street

Edgartown HarborEdgartown Lighthouse & Harbor

Now it’s off to the Randall – Beltz Wedding!


WeddingEnjoying a Dark & Stormy during cocktail hour!  Here’s the the happy couple!

IMG_3838Amy & Chris named their tables after places that are special to them so we were very curious when we learned that the name of our table was Black Eyed Susans.  Could it be a connection to Nantucket’s Black Eyed Susans??  The table cards had the stories on the back and as it turns out, BES is Chris’s favorite breakfast spot.  He was able to take Amy there when they came to Nantucket in 2011 for our wedding.  We were very touched!

Well… it was another great day OTV!

Milly & Grace Launches an Online Store!

We are delighted & excited to announce the opening of our online store!!! We would be so tickled if you would take a look: WWW.MILLYANDGRACE.COM


A very special thank you is in order to Milly & Grace’s amazingly talented Director of E-Commerce & Brand Development; Tim Ehrenberg.  He didn’t rest until it was perfect.  He had a gung ho attitude and made me laugh during the whole process – even when I was being particular (more like obsessive) about the details.  Getting the online store up and running was certainly exciting but the best part about the whole process was getting to know this kind heart.

To my little sister Caroline… Your beauty is annoying.  JK!!!  I am thankful for it because hello??!! What would I have done without you??  Steve would have had to have been the model!  Seriously though, thank you for all your hard work and patience during the photo shoots.  I love you!!

And of course to Miss Patty.  Mom, your name has been all over the Milly & Grace brand since day one.  Thank you for all the times you fixed Caroline’s bangs during the photo shoots.  And thank you for being our #1 Cheerleader all the time.

We would love to know your feedback!  Please email us at millyandgracegirls@gmail.com

 * Bonus: I’m also checking off #1 on my list of 30 things to do before I turn 30!!  You can read the rest of my list here! *