Checking things off my list! #23 Skinny Dipping

I have just under 4 months to check off everything on my list of things I need to do before I’m 30. There are a few things that need to get done before the summer is over… Like #23 Skinny Dipping. The ocean is already getting cooler!!

We took the boat to the middle of the harbor and jumped in.

It was dark… but here is the proof that I did it!


New Arrivals for the Milly & Grace online boutique

It’s time for some new arrivals to our online boutique

and this week they are:









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Start Shopping! :)

Puppygirl finally has a name… Meet Ivy!!

Meet our sweet little Ivy.

We had a hard time thinking of the perfect name right away.  Everyone was brainstorming with us but nothing was sticking.  Ivy came to be when our friends Janet & Caroline came to visit at the store.  As they were leaving I said, “Be thinking of names!”.  They were gone only a few seconds when they popped their heads back in and said… What about Ivy??  My ivy covered store is what inspired the name.  I love the name and since she is Milly & Grace Girl… it just fit.

Here is our first family photo!

photo 1

I am having a hard time finding the words to describe how much I love this puppy.   I love her so much.  She’s only been in our lives for 5 days and I’m surprised at how quickly I fell for her.  I basically melt anytime she does anything.  It’s pretty pathetic.  We are having so much fun getting to know her! She is a super calm dog (which is great!) but now that she is getting a little more comfortable with us we are starting to see a spunky side to her.

photo 2(Also present at our first family photos are the bags under my eyes.  I hardly slept the night before we went to pick her up and then she had separation anxiety the first 2 nights home.  However, I am happy to report that she is adjusting really well and hardly cries at night anymore! Thank goodness!!)

Get ready to laugh at this little video that Steve took!

Meet Ivy! from The Milly & Grace Girls on Vimeo.

Stay tuned for more Ivy adventures!