1 Month Until I’m 30. I Better get busy!

It’s November 14th.  I have 1 month until my 30th birthday.  It’s time to check in on my list of 30 things to do before I’m 30! Here we go:
1. Launch the Milly & Grace online store! 
Mission accomplished! online
2. Host a beach BBQ
While my friends Lauren & Nathan were visiting from Australia we got a little group together to enjoy dinner on the beach and watch the sunset. (We also enjoyed a few cocktails!!)  Read about it here! 
3. Bake a pie from scratch.  
Still need to do this!  Looking forward to this one – what a fun fall activity!
4. Visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art 
Done & Done! 
I made it
5. Clean out my closet.
This is about 1/2 done… Ok maybe about a 1/3 done.  
6. Learn to grill 
I think I need another lesson.
7. Continue our Hollister tradition for the 3rd year in a row – The Nantucket Stay-cation!
We were able to carve out some time during September – Steve and I were both sick the whole time. Haha!  At least we had each other! 
8. Write a “just because” handwritten note every week. 
This one is easy!
9. Get a puppy! 
The best thing I put on my list and one of the best things that I’ve ever done.  I cried for the first 2 weeks that we had her because I loved her so much.
10. Visit the “other” island- Martha’s Vineyard!
So enchanted by Martha’s Vineyard.  Can’t wait to go back. Read about some of our adventures here
11. Read the Great Gatsby 
Started but need to finish! Too many book club books to read… 
12. Start practicing yoga again.
Ok need to do this!! 
13. Pay for the coffee for person in line behind me.
Done!  But I’m going to do again!
14. Go strawberry picking at Bartlett Farm.
15. Send someone flowers. 
These are going to go to a very special Milly & Grace customer who told all of her friends about our Cashmere Ruanas – she is helping us set records!
16. Create my own cocktail!
Stay tuned!  I’ll be posting about this one soon!!!!!!!!
17. Visit Tuckernuck – 
Well… this is the one thing that I don’t think I’ll be checking off my list.  The summer got away from us and now it’s too cold.  Oh well… I guess I’ll  just have to save something for next summer.
18. Participate in a workshop to help me become a better blogger.
Might have to be a winter activity but I’m holding out hope! 
19.  Be better about saving my money!  For the past few years, all of my savings have gone into opening and improving the store.  Now that we are in the swing of things it’s time to start saving for the future.
20. Roast a chicken.
Need to do this! 
21. Try paddle boarding
I did it!  And so did Ivy…
Headed Home
I also paddled in the waves… or tried to!!
Paddlewavesphoto credit – Steve Hollister 
22. Watch Casablanca.
Gotta do this! 
23. Go skinny dipping!
24. Break my magazine hoarding habit.
Got a puppy… and she trained me not to leave them around… Because she would eat them.  Habit kicked.
25. Organize all my recipes.
Got this pretty organized… But it still feels like the never ending project. 
26. Find the Hidden Forest out here on Nantucket!
Shh… I can’t tell you! 
27. Get a massage. (Or 2 or 3)
This should have been the first thing I did! I better book this NOW!
28. Really learn to surf – Actually catch a wave without Steve’s help!
Getting there – I think I will be trying at this forever.
29. Connect with and commit to a non profit organization that really matters to me. 
Nantucket Cottage Hospital.  As I build a life on Nantucket, I want to ensure that there will be the best care possible for my family.  This past year I served on a the Boston Pops committee.  The Boston Pops on Jetties Beach is my favorite event of the summer so it just seemed fitting! 
30. Enjoy the sunrise & sunset all in the same day.
This one will be easy now that day light savings happened! 
So her is my to do list for the next month:
  • Bake a Pie
  • Roast a Chicken
  • Get a massage
  • Go to Yoga
  • Finish The Great Gatsby
  • Watch Casablanca
  • Participate in a workshop to help me become a better blogger
  • Enjoy the sunrise & sunset all in the same day

I think I am in good shape.  It seems that the things I still need to do are the perfect activities for this time of year!  Wish me luck!

The Nantucket Girl – Laura

I am constantly asked, “What is it like to live on Nantucket year-round?”  Well, I decided to answer this question in a series of blog posts called, “The Nantucket Girl.”  Every few weeks, I will feature a friend who calls this beautiful island home.  She will share with you some of her favorite things about Nantucket and also her favorite picks at Milly & Grace!  I hope this will give everyone a glimpse of what it’s like to be a girl living 30 miles out to sea.

So, I present to you..


Meet Nantucket Girl – Laura Fletcher


(Photo Credit: Kit Noble)

Tell us a little about yourself: I’m a rural girl who has always been drawn to the sea. After graduating from the University of Vermont, I worked on-island as a science teacher, wedding planner, and for the past 9+ years as a sales and rental broker at Great Point Properties.

How long have you called Nantucket home?: Since May of 1999, I came over on the slow ferry the day after graduation and never went home.

What do you do in Nantucket?:  Sales and rental broker at Great Point Properties.

Hobbies:  Stand-up paddle boarding in the harbor, spinning, Pilates at Core and lots of fun classes at Nantucket Cycle and Fitness.

Guilty Pleasure:  Reality TV shows.

Favorite Blogger: Karina’s Kitchen- Recipes From A Gluten-Free Goddess and really any commentary on the Huffington Post.

Favorite Quote:  “We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us”. – Joseph Campbell

Tell us about your life on Nantucket:  My summers are jammed packed with work, social and philanthropic commitments, its fast-paced and goes by much too quickly. The fall and winter bring a welcomed break and traveling to some amazing places.

Favorite time of year:  Right this very second, I wish that we could freeze September, October and November. It’s a great time to catch up with friends, go to restaurants, which are thankfully still open, and enjoy the amazing weather that the fall on the island brings.

What’s your perfect day on Nantucket?: An ideal day would start with a paddle in the harbor followed by breakfast at Black Eyed Susan’s, an afternoon at a south shore beach reading Vanity Fair and a sunset evening of lobsters and prosecco on the beach with friends, followed by ice cream at the Juice Bar (with no line).


Shops:  Milly & Grace of course, for all of the feminine Joie blouses, great selection of dresses and perfect accessories; Blue Beetle; Flowers on Chestnut; Parchment; Shift.

Restaurants:  The Pearl is hands-down my favorite, especially when dining in the Pink Room or at the Chefs Table; Black Eyed Susan’s, Centre Street Bistro, The Chanticleer, and the Languedoc.

Beach: Anything off the beaten path on the south shore.

Nantucket Event: Anyone who knows me knows that I absolutely love Daffodil and Stroll weekends but the Boston Pops concert is right up there too.

Tell us an interesting fact about living on Nantucket: There are no traffic lights here and our street signs are painted wood, you need to exercise patience when driving around here.

What’s the hardest part about living on Nantucket?:  When fog or inclement weather foils your travel plans.

Tell us something others may not know about this little island: Nantucket used to have a railway system which connected the village of Nantucket with Sconset, it was only around for about 36 years and the last remaining car is now part of the Club Car restaurant.

Milly & Grace Picks

Day Look

Laura matches with the season in this beautiful Floral Silk Blouse available online and in the store for 30% off!


She paired it with these two bracelets that are “Good as Gold” and also are available on our online boutique.


Night Look

Laura chose a striking Little Black Dress for her night look.  Striped organza and a comfortable fit make it the perfect piece for all of the Holiday events coming up!  (Get it online for 30% off!)


This black dress looks even more polished with this Danni Jo Turquoise Jewelry.


This Nantucket Girl loves whales and added this pillow to her “Wish List” this season.  The pillow reads “Because your heart is like the ocean. I love you.”


Laura’s favorite holiday is Christmas.  She was thrilled to see our Christmas decorations starting to come out at the store and online.  She adored these reindeer ornaments, figurines and other vintage inspired Christmas decor. Take a peek at our Christmas Shop online! We can’t wait to add even more as it gets closer to Christmas!


Thanks Laura for being a Nantucket Girl!

Holiday Shopping with Milly & Grace New Arrivals

Your Holiday Shopping starts here with the Milly & Grace New Arrivals.

Our Clothing Collection is 30% off!  These are some of the new items in festive Christmas colors!

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Display all your baked goods this holiday season on these beautiful milk glass Cake Stands available in four different sizes of either Pink or Mint Green!

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We have just started to put the Christmas Decor out at the store and I could not wait to get some of it up online!

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“It’s beginning to smell a lot like Christmas” with these new Holiday Candles.

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I love decorating the store with Christmas items and I know you will love these vintage inspired pieces for your own home this season.

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These Glitter Deer are just the cutest!  Gold or Silver, Figurine or Ornament!

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Don’t forget that our online boutique offers Free Shipping Always!

Have fun with the start of your Holiday Shopping!
