Same Page Monday

1. It’s Monday and it is Veterans Day!

A very important and BIG thank you to all the Veterans who have served our amazing country and have kept us safe… and to all those who are currently serving our country.  You are all so brave.  Land of the Free and Home of the BRAVE!!!  BECAUSE OF YOU!  Our Nanny (Milly), Papa (Milly’s husband) and Grandy (Grace’s husband) were all veterans… We love you!  Forever grateful.


2. On a completely different note…

I think a tricky, little pixie is serving up some Kool Aid in Hollywood… AND I want to stay very far away from it!!!  4 pixie cuts in a week??  People, I need to know how you feel about it.  Patty thinks it’s cute!


3.  COUNTDOWNS…. 16 days until Thanksgiving. 43 days until Christmas.  AHHHHHH.  Caroline, we need to start planning our Gingerbread House theme for the annual Gingerbread House decorating competition.

4.  I asked Caroline if there were any updates and she responded with the following text…

“There’s a chocolate thief in our house.  They’ve actually gone into rooms and stolen people’s chocolate…even found some in the back of people’s closet.  They don’t like hazelnuts though cause that’s always left behind.

They’re going to look on security cameras haha it’s been happening since the first week of school and it hasn’t stopped.  Unfortunately for that person, theft is a sin and gets you sent home to Malibu.”

LOL.  I think it’s a mouse.

5.  My friend got a cat this weekend.  I thought to myself, “why is she getting a cat?”.  I thought cats were prissy, mean and no fun… Well, I was wrong.  He is the sweetest cat ever.  He loves to play and cuddle.  He never puts his claws out.  He fell asleep in my arms while watching TV.  He was snoring too!  OH NO….. Am I a crazy cat lady in the making?????  Help!  I need to stop now before it’s too late!!


6.  I asked Patty if there were any updates on her end, and she informed me that the Braves are building a new stadium in Cobb County and that it will be ready for the 2017 season.  Thanks, Patty.  (Her Mom, Milly, was the biggest Brave fan ever.)

7.  My Starbucks drink of choice right now is an iced, grande Americano with two pumps of white mocha… It is still hot in LA.  It’s November.  I should be getting hot drinks and wearing mittens and scarves.  :(  But I have to say thank you to Starbucks for putting snowflakey decorations on the “iced” cups too and not just leaving all the festiveness to the hot cups.

8.  I am really into burning incense right now.

9.  Ivy is in “shop dog” training this week!  Emily is working with her so she can join in on all the Milly & Grace fun!  I think she is the cutest Milly & Grace Girl… sorry, Caroline!


I think that’s it.

Love, Allison

The Nantucket Girl – Laura

I am constantly asked, “What is it like to live on Nantucket year-round?”  Well, I decided to answer this question in a series of blog posts called, “The Nantucket Girl.”  Every few weeks, I will feature a friend who calls this beautiful island home.  She will share with you some of her favorite things about Nantucket and also her favorite picks at Milly & Grace!  I hope this will give everyone a glimpse of what it’s like to be a girl living 30 miles out to sea.

So, I present to you..


Meet Nantucket Girl – Laura Fletcher


(Photo Credit: Kit Noble)

Tell us a little about yourself: I’m a rural girl who has always been drawn to the sea. After graduating from the University of Vermont, I worked on-island as a science teacher, wedding planner, and for the past 9+ years as a sales and rental broker at Great Point Properties.

How long have you called Nantucket home?: Since May of 1999, I came over on the slow ferry the day after graduation and never went home.

What do you do in Nantucket?:  Sales and rental broker at Great Point Properties.

Hobbies:  Stand-up paddle boarding in the harbor, spinning, Pilates at Core and lots of fun classes at Nantucket Cycle and Fitness.

Guilty Pleasure:  Reality TV shows.

Favorite Blogger: Karina’s Kitchen- Recipes From A Gluten-Free Goddess and really any commentary on the Huffington Post.

Favorite Quote:  “We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us”. – Joseph Campbell

Tell us about your life on Nantucket:  My summers are jammed packed with work, social and philanthropic commitments, its fast-paced and goes by much too quickly. The fall and winter bring a welcomed break and traveling to some amazing places.

Favorite time of year:  Right this very second, I wish that we could freeze September, October and November. It’s a great time to catch up with friends, go to restaurants, which are thankfully still open, and enjoy the amazing weather that the fall on the island brings.

What’s your perfect day on Nantucket?: An ideal day would start with a paddle in the harbor followed by breakfast at Black Eyed Susan’s, an afternoon at a south shore beach reading Vanity Fair and a sunset evening of lobsters and prosecco on the beach with friends, followed by ice cream at the Juice Bar (with no line).


Shops:  Milly & Grace of course, for all of the feminine Joie blouses, great selection of dresses and perfect accessories; Blue Beetle; Flowers on Chestnut; Parchment; Shift.

Restaurants:  The Pearl is hands-down my favorite, especially when dining in the Pink Room or at the Chefs Table; Black Eyed Susan’s, Centre Street Bistro, The Chanticleer, and the Languedoc.

Beach: Anything off the beaten path on the south shore.

Nantucket Event: Anyone who knows me knows that I absolutely love Daffodil and Stroll weekends but the Boston Pops concert is right up there too.

Tell us an interesting fact about living on Nantucket: There are no traffic lights here and our street signs are painted wood, you need to exercise patience when driving around here.

What’s the hardest part about living on Nantucket?:  When fog or inclement weather foils your travel plans.

Tell us something others may not know about this little island: Nantucket used to have a railway system which connected the village of Nantucket with Sconset, it was only around for about 36 years and the last remaining car is now part of the Club Car restaurant.

Milly & Grace Picks

Day Look

Laura matches with the season in this beautiful Floral Silk Blouse available online and in the store for 30% off!


She paired it with these two bracelets that are “Good as Gold” and also are available on our online boutique.


Night Look

Laura chose a striking Little Black Dress for her night look.  Striped organza and a comfortable fit make it the perfect piece for all of the Holiday events coming up!  (Get it online for 30% off!)


This black dress looks even more polished with this Danni Jo Turquoise Jewelry.


This Nantucket Girl loves whales and added this pillow to her “Wish List” this season.  The pillow reads “Because your heart is like the ocean. I love you.”


Laura’s favorite holiday is Christmas.  She was thrilled to see our Christmas decorations starting to come out at the store and online.  She adored these reindeer ornaments, figurines and other vintage inspired Christmas decor. Take a peek at our Christmas Shop online! We can’t wait to add even more as it gets closer to Christmas!


Thanks Laura for being a Nantucket Girl!

Dinner and A Movie

One of Hannah’s and my favorite thing to do is pick up dinner and watch a movie. The other night, we were trying to decide where to go to dinner…and we just couldn’t make a decision (not that that’s a new thing for us…we usually can never decide!) Our conversation started off the usual way with…


Hannah: Where do you want to go for dinner?

Caroline: I don’t know. Where do you want to go for dinner?

Hannah: I don’t know. All I know is I’m hungry.

Caroline: Me too.


Then, we narrowed down all of our choices to two. We couldn’t decide between Holy Cow, our local burger place (way better than Five Guys or In ‘N Out if I dare say so) or pizza. Super healthy, I know. And then our conversation took a turn and Hannah suggested that we list the pros and cons. It was a brilliant idea because then we would actually be able to make a decision and satisfy our hungry tummies.


Hannah: Okay the pros for burgers: 1. It’s a shorter walk

Caroline: 2. COOP is on the way so we can pick up chocolate for dessert.

Hannah: I have a con…we will eat fries.

Caroline: But, since we are getting take-out…they give us less fries than we would normally eat if we ate there. Pro.

Hannah: Okay 3 pros and 1 con. Now for Pizza.

Caroline: Con 1. We ate there last night.

Hannah: 2. They’ll recognize us.

Caroline: 3. We are probably eating there at group dinner tomorrow.

Hannah: 4. We have to walk up that huge hill. Any pros??

Caroline: Pizza is good.

Hannah: Okay so 3 cons and 1 pro.


That meant burgers for dinner. Well, guess what. We got all the way to Holy Cow and it was closed! Because it was Sunday. Duh (insert facepalm here)…just about everything is closed on Sunday. Luckily, the pizza place wasn’t closed though. So, in the end…we ate at the pizza place 3 nights in a row, they did recognize us, and we had to walk up the major hill. Oh well…can’t win them all!

And then we got home and had to decide on a movie.


Hannah: What movie do you want to watch?

Caroline: I don’t know what do you want to watch?

Hannah: I don’t know.

Caroline: I think I’m feeling like a funny movie.

Hannah: Have you seen Bridesmaids??

Caroline: No, not yet.

Hannah: WHAT?! Not only is it funny…but it’s about weddings! How have you not seen that? Okay we are watching it.


So, we did. We ate our pizza and watched Bridesmaids and had chocolate for dessert. And she was right…it was hilarious and also very quotable in every day life, which gets bonus points in my book!

Despite the hiccups, we still had a fun time!