A Nantucket Halloween

Halloween on Nantucket is very special because it’s a Holiday for locals!  There are not many holidays that can say that! ;)

With hardly any tourists here on island, it was very special to walk down Main St. and see all of our lovely “neighbors!”

A Nantucket Halloween starts with a parade and then the kids “Trick or Treat” up and down Main Street!  It reminded me of Halloween in the small town I grew up in…

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(Photo Credit: Nantucket Bucket)

James and I waited until the last minute to decide our costumes.  This is very unlike us.  Usually we know weeks in advance.

So this is what we pulled off in 2 minutes!  I was Alfalfa from the Little Rascals and James was Prince Charming.


Not our best effort! I was Alfalfa because I need a haircut and I didn’t want to style my hair how I usually do and James was Prince Charming because it was the only costume left at Dan’s Pharmacy!

When I was finished getting ready, I found that I actually look a lot like Alfalfa. :)  Don’t you agree?


Some of our friends had a party and I got to hang out with my bestie Emily (Rosie the Riveter).  Just because you live on an island and work together, doesn’t mean you get a lot of quality time every day so it was so great to see her and Steve out and about!

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Steve’s “Walter White” costume inspired James and I to start watching “Breaking Bad.”  We are addicted that’s for sure.  We watched almost 3 seasons in 2 days!

Next year we want to have better costumes, but we had a great time with great friends at the party!


That was our first Nantucket Halloween!

See you on Tuesdays!

Same Page Monday



I’m your host, Allison, and it’s another Monday… and another Same Page Monday.  Here we go!

(Every Monday, I feel like I’m in the movie, Groundhog Day.)

1.  I don’t know if you all know this but… THE RED SOX WON THE WORLD SERIES!! YAY!!

(Just kidding, of course you all know this!!)



2.  I don’t know if you all know this, but watching the Sox beat the Cardinals reminded me of one of my childhood hobbies… Bird watching.  Yep, that’s right.  Bet you didn’t see that coming.  Living in Boston, there were all these amazing little birdies flying around or perched in trees.  I especially loved going on the swan boats in Boston Common, and I loved the book, Make Way for Ducklings.  I also had a bird book that would help me to identify all the different kinds of birds!  Omg.  I can’t even believe I’m admitting to this.  Am I really writing about this right now?  Well, cat’s already out of the bag… my favorite birds were cardinals and chickadees!

Look how cute they are!!!


3.  Popped a blood vessel in my eye this weekend.  Don’t know how…  they (as in WebMD) say it will go away in 1 to 3 weeks. 3 weeks??  Great.


4.  Y’all, I don’t know if y’all know this… but it’s November.  November.  As in Christmas cups at Starbucks, as in Christmas music on the radio (too early), as in Thanksgiving in a few weeks, as in it’s almost Christmas, as in you need to start Christmas shoppin’, as in it’s almost 2014… Where did this year go, y’all?? (for some reason I felt like I needed to write this in my southern accent.)

5.  My friend’s car wouldn’t start this weekend.  (We were trying to go on a Target run.)  She didn’t have AAA….???  LADIES, you must have AAA!!!  Luckily, I did!  (Thanks, Dad!)  What would she have done with out me?  What would we do without AAA?  I wrote a post about it on my other blog.  Click here to read.

6.  We can now add “Swiss Alps Babes” to our funny searches list!  I can’t decide which one is my favorite… “Swiss Alps Babes” or  “Skinny Dipping Girls”.  That’s a tough one.



Happy Monday, Y’all!  XO

Go Red Sox Photo Credit: Jhilldesign on Etsy

Here’s a little something to make you laugh

Okay, I know Halloween is over. But, these videos send Hannah and me into fits of laughter no matter how many times we watch them. Tears were shed. And whenever we feel like we need to laugh, we put these videos on. Which we did several times this weekend as we were writing a major research paper. So, I just had to share them. They’ve been buzzing around all over the internet so you may or may not have seen them already…but they are worth watching over and over and over! Ellen (who I just LOVE) sends her writer Amy through a Haunted House every year and video tapes her the whole way through. This year she decided to send another one of her employees, Andy, through as well! And their reactions are priceless. Well, enough of me babbling…here are the videos!