The Nantucket Glass Hunter – Me

I have an obsession.  Glass.  I am always on the hunt for sea glass and vintage bottles.

My “addiction” started when we moved to our current house about 2 1/2 years ago.  When we moved in, there happened to be a lot of digging going on around us – construction next door,  yard work, water main repairs etc.  Over the course of all this work we came across quite a few old bottles!  We later learned that the land used to be wetland and that “stuff” had been brought over to build it up.  I began collecting them in a bin in the garage… I didn’t know what I was going to do with them but I knew I couldn’t throw them out!  So this past winter, after I accumulated quite a few, I decided to start cleaning them.



The soak.




Once our little neighborhood was put back together and there were no more bottles to be dug up, I felt the itch to hunt for more glass!  So off to the beaches I go… and I found a lot.  I can’t even believe I came across purple glass.

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Now that I have a little pup that needs her morning walks my collection has multiplied.


We’ve even found some pottery!


This is where I keep my collection of bottles, along with my collection of cookbooks and Martha Stewart Living magazines (there are 5 years worth right there).  Yes, I have hoarding tendencies.  But I’d like to think I am an organized hoarder.


Wish me luck as I go into my glass hunting season!

South of France: Day 2

On our second day of our field trip, we took a charter bus to two of the cutest towns that I could have wandered the streets of forever and never get sick of them. The first town was Aix en Provence. We explored the old city with our tour guide and he told us all about the history of the town and the Cathedrale St. Sauveur. And afterwards we were free to roam around and shop before meeting back at the bus to head to the next town Cassis, which is a really pretty fishing harbor.  It was raining again on the second day. Which apparently is unusual for the South of France. At least that’s what our tour guide kept telling us. He said they get about 5 days of rain a year…and this was our second day of rain. (Lucky us!) It still didn’t hold us back though, we could explore in rain or shine! And even on a rainy day, these towns were beautiful. I can’t even imagine how pretty it would have been on the sunniest day.


^^On our way to the towns we stopped on top of a cliff that looked out over the towns and it was just stunning. Even on a cloudy, rainy day.


^^The view down the cliff.












^^Provonce is known for their lavender. And I was obsessing because it is my favorite color and it smells just divine, divine, divine!


^^We couldn’t pass up these giant macaroons! I’ve never seen them so big!


And that’s it for day 2!

These New Arrivals are “Good as Gold”

New Arrivals are featured on our online boutique this week!

This Gold Plated Charm Bracelet, Marlyn Schiff Bangle and Metallic Crochet Ruana are as “Good as Gold!”


“Find the Silver Lining” with this Silver Plated Charm Bracelet, Marlyn Schiff Bangle and Grey Sequin Ruana!


Remember to “Stop and Smell the Roses” with this Rose Gold Plated Charm Bracelet, Marlyn Schiff Bangle and Rose Gold Ruana.


See all our new Ruana colors and styles!  Purple is a color of the season and the best-selling Satchel is perfect for Fall!

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These sequin Ruanas add some sparkle to the classic design!

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We now offer free shipping ALWAYS within the United States!


The holidays are just around the corner and it’s never too early to start thinking about Christmas gifts.  The bracelets featured in this post would make great stocking stuffers and the Ruanas are always the perfect gift!  (Limited quantities)

Have fun shopping at