The situation is… I am 5’2” with a short torso, small waist, small shoulders, curves and a big booty.
Clothes don’t fit me. And let me tell you, it is so frustrating. (And I know I am not the only one out there!)
While I was in Nantucket, Emily asked me if I wanted to model for the online store. Of course I wanted to say “YES!”, but I thought it would be better for our tall, thin, long, perfect little sister, Caroline to do it. She would show off the clothes better than me! My sisters and Tim insisted that I should do it. They wanted the online store to represent real girls… all shapes and heights (and hairstyles)! Here is how the shoot turned out…
What do you think? Not horrible. I was very surprised by the results and I am so happy I did it!
If you live in Los Angeles and are trying to break into the “industry” (an industry that is centered around image), you will definitely have times when you struggle with your own body image. You always hear people talking about what juice diet or cleanse that they are on. Raw food this and gluten free that. All actresses and aspiring actresses have this notion in their heads that they need to be 10 pounds lighter than normal because the camera really does add 10 pounds. I work my butt off at the Tracy Anderson Studio and I’m still not what the industry would think to be “perfect”. It’s hard not to worry about it or obsess over it. I like to eat, but really the eating thing is more important than the actual working out.
I am really inspired by Jennifer Lawrence and her view on her body image. She is very vocal about it and is a great role model for women and young girls! You don’t have to be stick thin to make it. I think she is so hot!
I think confidence is the key to this industry, and that is my new outlook on it! I am letting go of the worrying and starting to own what I got ;) I am going to work out as hard as I can, but still listen to my body. If I can’t work out one day… life will go on! I will eat healthy (which I normally do and love to do) but if I want to eat a whole box of Annie’s Macaroni and Cheese every once in a while, then I am going to do it.
So thank you, JLaw, for being an inspiration to me. And to Marilyn Monroe too, who was one of the firsts to prove that this industry loves a woman who is not just skin and bones but who is sexy and confident!